Pharmaceutical Company

Location: Warsaw, Poland / Design: Magdalena Drygalak I CBRE / Product: Colline, Basalt, Heavenbooth / Photographer: Acustio / Year: 2024

We are excited to present our latest project, where we provided a range of innovative acoustic products for a leading pharmaceutical company's office. The goal was to create an elegant, functional workspace that enhances productivity and collaboration while offering maximum acoustic comfort.

Design Concept
The project, led by Magdalena Drygalak, Architect at CBRE | Project Management & Building Consultancy, focused on creating a modern, stylish office that prioritizes both functionality and aesthetics. Our role was to provide acoustic solutions that elevate the working environment, ensuring employees have the best possible conditions for focus and efficiency

Versatile Solutions for Agile Work
A key feature of the project was the integration of HeavenBooth mobile walls, designed to support agile work environments. These walls allow the space to be quickly reconfigured to suit different needs, offering privacy when needed or opening up for collaboration. With their acoustic properties, HeavenBooth walls ensure that noise is kept to a minimum, making the office both flexible and comfortable for employees.

Colline Collection – Comfort and Style in Managerial Offices
One of the standout features of this project is the extensive use of our Colline wall panels in nearly all the private managerial offices. These panels provide an extraordinary combination of visual appeal and acoustic comfort. By eliminating echoes and enhancing sound quality, the Colline panels ensure that work in these closed spaces is quiet, focused, and enjoyable. Their modern design adds a sophisticated touch to the office, making them both practical and aesthetically pleasing.

Function Meets Elegance
The office also features our Basalt wall panels, made from natural wool felt, which bring both acoustic efficiency and elegance. These panels create a peaceful, focused environment by reducing noise and adding warmth and texture to the office design.

The project also included our Basalt Whiteboard, a multifunctional product that combines a writable surface with sound-absorbing properties. Positioned in key areas, these whiteboards encourage creative collaboration while maintaining a quiet workspace, perfect for brainstorming and team meetings.

A Cohesive Space for Productivity
Thanks to the integration of our Basalt panels, HeavenBooth mobile walls, and Colline panels, the workspace is not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized for productivity and collaboration. The careful combination of acoustic solutions ensures that employees can work efficiently in a comfortable and inspiring environment.

This project was brought to life under the expert direction of Magdalena Drygalak, showcasing how thoughtful design and acoustic solutions can transform any office into a space that supports both creativity and focus.

Other Photos

Check out more inspiring photos from this beautiful space!

Location: Warsaw, Poland / Design: Magdalena Drygalak I CBRE / Product: Colline, Basalt, Heavenbooth / Photographer: Acustio / Year: 2024